Wednesday, April 11, 2007

From His Ashes Another Legend is Born

Sad news today, at least sad in the sense of "what a loss for me! I'll never get to see his smile again!" Truth is, while I'll miss Bob Dyer, one of Missouri's finest musicians, songwriters, historians, and Great Friends, I don't think I'll have any trouble recalling his warmth and his smile.

So Bob has passed, from the corporeal to the legendary, and halleluja to him! I wish him the best in his journey to and through the bardo. He's gonna leave quite a few souls there chuckling with his stories, I have no doubt. See you in the next round, Bob!

Here's a link to his bio page on Big Canoe, his publishing entity. And while this page, Eye Candy for Missouri, isn't his work (it's a gift to us from the Missouri Folklore Society), it so much reminds me of Bob and his passion for Missouri history, especially the history of the Missouri River and the Booneville, MO area.

Meanwhile, back here at the ranch, things are hopping, but when has it ever not been? Lizzie and Baba are hard at work, and I mean hard at work, editing video material of the Tumbleweed Cabaret (shot by Scott Wilson) in preparation for Baba's trip to the east coast next week. These guys never slow down, much less stop for a breath, yet the nature of their work feeds so much energy to them, to us all, that it's like standing in Tesla's legendary lab, electricity popping all around you and all you have to do is reach out a hand and smile in order to see real lightening.

So, for the moment, the best I can do is stand back in awe and be supportive as much as possible. Doing laundry, sweeping floors, cooking. Beats computer programming by a country mile. ;-)

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