After a week of cool wet weather, we finally got a break. Sunny, temp maybe 60 degrees or so, so Lizzie and I hopped in the Jeep and headed down to Cooper's Landing to catch IlyAimee, the duo from Baltimore our friend Suzibird is friends with. This, it turned out, was a Very Good Thing to Do.
I took lots of pictures with my cell phone but don't have the cable at the moment to load them into my 'puter, so I'll have to add those later. The music was wondrously good: a guy and a girl,

During their set, our old river friend Sparky launched his houseboat - a huge thing with murals painted on the sides, very styling river cruiser. It was a little distracting, watching this big thing inch its way down the landing into the river, and again I got cool shots of the whole thing and I'll post them when I can. Very colorful. The band was very game, making supportive comments and not visibly put out because their audience kept looking to their left to see the launch.
Mike Cooper video'd their show and burned them a DVD of it within an hour after it was over. All high-definition video at that. It's remarkable how high-tech Cooper has become in the last year or so.
Back to town so Lizzie could take a walk with the Dharma Dog and I could scoot off to Hilary Scott rehearsal for a gig at Martini Bar this Saturday night. Fun, sunny, relaxing Sunday today. But we both miss our Baba -- Lizzie doubtless more than me, but the house is altogether too quiet without him. I promised him I'd blog daily while he's gone, so some of them may just ramble on about the house and the day, and that's no doubt okay.
great to hear what's going on. i miss you all... sending you hugs and hooooooowwwwwllllss from the big apple.... ~Baba
I promised I'd do my best to keep it fresh and happenin' and keep you connected, roaming old buffalo that you are. Sounds like things are going well for you over in Big Town too, eh?
Love from the Holy Road House
Mike...I am soooo very pleased that you enjoyed ilyAIMY. I think they are very, very talented and emotionally intense and insightful, as well. And boy-oh can they go to town on the instruments, eh? Still, every space is better for me when YOU are in it! Thanks for bringing yourself and Ms. Liz as well!!
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