Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Tops of Our Heads Are Missing

Well, they just left. Another great national touring group - the Fat Little Bastards. They came, they played, they left, and a small number of us in Columbia are trying to piece our lives back together. Never has this town heard sounds like we heard last night. Part jazz, part classical, part fusion, part rock, part world music. All of it with incredible energy and amazing musianship. And this on the tiny downtown stage in the Blue Fugue.
Three very talented and well trained young musicians from Boston and Brooklyn, and cool fun guys too. Andrew Stern on guitar, Eric Platz on drums, and Noah Jarrett (yes, Keith's son!) on upright bass. This was music that normally we would only hear on the stage at Jesse Hall or possibly the Missouri Theater - big stage, big audience. Instead, there were maybe a dozen of us in the bar who were mesmerized, with maybe that many again outside staring through the big open window in awe and amazement.

And they were kind enough to say good things about Mike's Peanut Butter Pancakes the next morning. I am glowing with pride just to have met these guys.

I've been lazy about blogging, but it's all good. Yesterday Alisa came over and we worked on setting up the Holy Road House production office on the first floor. She and I are tripping to St. Louis this weekend to enjoy and party with the Troubadors of Divine Bliss, our Louisville friends, mend some fences and solidify some friendships, and just have fun.

It's turned cool so I'll be spending more time outdoors today and tomorrow, mowing, raking, trimming. Flowers are everywhere. The Garden of Eden seems determined to spring back into existance. Enjoy it, everybody, I know I am.

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